Our Mission
UPF’s primary function is to distribute resources such as pet food, puppy pads, cat litter, and a myriad of essential pet supplies to our shelter and rescue members. We do this through our Distribution Days at the UPF Resource Center. During these Distribution Days, the UPF Community comes together to share the resources that we have gathered by fostering key partnerships with business leaders and animal lovers in the Ohio Valley region and around the country. With our partnership with RescueBank.org (part of The Greater Good), some of these resources can reach animal rescues and shelters across the country.
By being able to facilitate large donations from corporate/business partners, UPF fills an important and unique role for animal shelters and rescues. Many of the smaller rescues, shelters and advocacy groups do not have the time to develop relationships with the businesses in their area. They do not have the infrastructure to accept larger donations from larger suppliers and distributors. Our corporate partners feel comfortable that UPF has the necessary infrastructure to accept truckloads of product and distribute the product to those that help animals in need.
For small or private rescues and care groups, joining UPF as a member provides dependable access to a structured, established support system. This structured system can be invaluable because many of our members are running a non-profit for the first time in their lives. UPF provides them not only with pet food and supplies, but also with essential training, support, and community.